* : To be participated on-site (As of July 8th)
There are 26 invited talks, 38 contributed talks, and 48 poster presentations.
Alexander Altland (University of Cologne, Germany), Quantum chaos in 2d gravity
Thomas Brunet (Université de Bordeaux, France), Experimental search for 3D Anderson localization of ultrasound in a resonant suspension of soft metallic beads
Gábor Csáthy (Purdue University, USA), Single Electron Localization, Collective Localization, and Electron Clustering in Two Dimensions
Nicolas Cherroret (Sorbonne Université, France), The Quantum Boomerang Effect
Laura Cobus* (University of Auckland, New Zealand), Crossover from renormalized to conventional diffusion near the 3D Anderson localization transition for light
Shunsuke Daimon (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Deciphering quantum fingerprints in electronic conductance
Vladimir Dobrosavljevic* (Florida State University, USA), Disorder-dominated quantum criticality in moiré bilayers
Martin Dressel (Universität Stuttgart, Germany), Dynamical localization in correlated metals: quasiparticles near the Mott transition
Elizabeth Dresselhaus* (University of California, Berkeley, USA), Scaling collapse of the longitudinal conductance near the integer quantum Hall transition
Ferdinand Evers* (University of Regensburg, Germany), Numerical studies of finite size effects and scaling in the integer quantum Hall effects of classes A and C
Amit A. Ghosal* (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata, India), New Paradigm For Superconducting Vortices with Non-metallic Cores
Ilya A. Gruzberg (The Ohio State University, USA), Conformal invariance and Anderson transitions
David Huse (Princeton University, USA), Where are we now in our understanding of many-body localization?
Matteo Ippoliti (Stanford University, USA), Localization and monitored quantum dynamics
Aharon Kapitulnik (Stanford University, USA), Anomalous metals: from "failed superconductor" to "failed insulator”
Vedika K. Khemani (Stanford University, USA), Resonances and Avalanches in Many-Body Localized Systems
Svitlana Mayboroda (University of Minnesota, USA), The landscape method in Wave localization
Alexander Mirlin (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Generalized multifractality in 2D disordered systems
Rahul Nandkishore (University of Colorado Boulder, USA), Nearly localized dynamics in doped semiconductors
Subir Sachdev (Harvard University, USA), Yukawa-SYK models, and a theory of strange metals in two dimensions
Tigran A. Sedrakyan (The University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA), Quantum Chaos, Superconductivity, and Information Scrambling in Disorderd Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene
Alex Dikopoltsev / Moti Segev (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel), Strong localization beyond the spectrum of the disorder
Sergey Syzranov* (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA), Ultraviolet universalities in nodal semimetals and dilute quantum gases
Bart van Tiggelen (LPMMC University Grenoble Alpes / CNRS, France), Why is Anderson Localization of Light Different?
Xin Wan (Zhejiang University, China), Review on Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
Martin Zirnbauer (University of Cologne, Germany), Field Theory of Anderson Transitions on a Tree Graph
Djenabou Bayo (University of Warwick, UK), Machine Learning the 2D percolation transition
Soumya Bera (iIT Bombay, India), Temporal density fluctuations and Renyi entropy through the many-body localization crossover
Igor Burmistrov (Landau Institute, Russia), The effect of interaction on multifractality in BdG classes
Nicolas Dupuis (Sorbonne Université & CNRS, France), Bose-glass phase of a one-dimensional disordered Bose fluid
Yan V. Fyodorov (King's College London, UK), Resonances in wave reflection from a disordered medium: nonlinear σ−model approach
Savannah Garmon (Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan), Localization, topology and symmetry-breaking properties of an open PT-symmetric Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
Victor A. Gopar* (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain), Coherent wave transport in Lévy 1D random media
Naomichi Hatano* (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Analysis of quantum transport on tree-like networks using non-Hermitian Hamiltonians
Yiming Huang (Queens College and The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, USA), Transmission eigenchannel velocities and energy in random media
Ken Imura* (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Localization, topology and entanglement in disordered non-Hermitian systems: one- vs. many-body cases
Madhuparna Karmakar (Chennai Institute of Technology, India), Disorder stabilised metal in frustrated 2D Mott insulators
Ki-Seok Kim (POSTECH, South Korea), Observation of superconducting order-parameter multifractality and magnetic-field driven delocalization of in-gap-state BdG quasiparticles in a quasi-two-dimensional Fe-based superconductor
Viktor Könye* (IFW Dresden, Germany), Non-Hermitian physics without gain or loss: the skin effect of reflected waves
Kazue Kudo* (Ochanomizu University, Japan), Detection of localization based on quantum dynamics
Nicolas Laflorencie (LPT CNRS Toulouse, France), Many-body localization stabilizes topological order in random interactiong Ising/Majorana chains
Gabriel Lemarié (MajuLab-CNRS and CQT-NUS, Singapore), Dirty bosons on the Cayley tree: Bose-Einstein condensation versus ergodicity breaking
Mathieu Lizee (LPENS, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, France), Local density of states spatial fluctuations probe weak localization in a 2d superconductor
Eitam Luz (Bar-Ilan University, Israel), Flexural Wave Localization in Disordered Thin Plates: A Direct Experimental Validation of the Landscape Theory of Localization
Hiroyoshi Nobukane* (Hokkaido University, Japan), Superconductor-insulator transition in a two-dimensional ruthenate
Hideaki Obuse* (Hokkaido University, Japan), Localization in Non-Unitary Quantum walks with point gap topology
John Page (University of Manitoba, Canada), Optimal concentration of inclusions for maximumscattering strength in a disordered resonant medium
Dragana Popovic* (Florida State University, USA), Metal-insulator transition of a two-dimensional hole system in few-layer WSe2 devices
Georg Schwiete (University of Alabama, USA), Thermal and thermoelectric transport in the disordered two-dimensional electron gas
Ryuichi Shindou (Peking University, China), Unifying the Anderson transitions in Hermitian and non-Hermitian systems
Piotr Sierant (ICFO, Spain), Polynomially filtered exact diagonalization (POLFED) approach to many-body and Anderson localization transitions
Jesko Sirker (University of Manitoba, Canada), Particle Transport in Many-Body Localized Phases
Brian Skinner (Ohio State University, USA), The relation between conductivity and activation energy in a disordered two-dimensional band gap insulator
Sergey Skipetrov (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, LPMMC, France), Symmetry breakdowns and topological photonics in disordered atomic lattices
Keith Slevin* (Osaka University, Japan), Improved estimate of the critical exponent of the Anderson transition
Matthias Stosiek (Sophia University, Japan) Deep Learning Study of Two-Dimensional Disordered Class D Systems
Kuldeep Suthar (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Non-Hermitian Many-Body Localization with Open Boundaries
Marcin Szyniszewski (University College London, UK), Measurement-induced transitions and Anderson localization
Korekiyo Takahashi (Hokkaido University, Japan), Bose glass and Fermi glass
Tong Wang (Peking University, China), Multicriticality of two-dimensional class-D disordered topological superconductors
Tsz Chun Wu (Rice University, USA ), Quantum Interference of Hydrodynamic Modes in a Dirty Marginal Fermi Liquid
Zhenyu Xiao (Peking University, China), Effect of Topology on the Anderson Transition
Xudong Yu (Laboratoire Charles Fabry, université Paris-Saclay, France), 3rd Anderson Localization with ultracold atoms
Jakub Zakrzewski (Jagiellonian University, Poland), Can we observe many body localization?
P01: Md. Shuzon Ali* (Okayama University, Japan), Continuous translation for local symmetry inversion in valley-topological phononic crystal for robust reconfigurable acoustic waveguide
P02: Elizaveta Andriyakhina* (L. D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology, Russia), Multifractally-enhanced superconductivity in two-dimensional systems with spin-orbit coupling
P03: Shoto Aoki* (Osaka University, Japan), Curved domain-wall fermions
P04: Serafim Babkin* (L. D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russia. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia), Surface multifractality in spin quantum Hall system
P05: Wouter Buijsman (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel), Circular Rosenzweig-Porter random matrix ensemble
P06: Yuta Fukuda* (Hokkaido University, Japan), Quantum VRH conduction by CDW instantons; experimental evidence in nanoscale NbS3 and TaS3
P07: Sriram Ganeshan* (The City College of NY, CUNY graduate center, USA), In search of many-body mobility edge with matrix product states in a Generalized Aubry-Andre model with interactions.
P08: Miguel Gonçalves (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal), Renormalization-group theory of localization for 1D quasiperiodic lattice models
P09: Stephan W. Haas (University of Southern California, USA), Edge Plasmons in Topological Insulators
P10: Yi Huang (University of Minnesota, USA), Disorder effects in topological insulator thin films and nanowires
P11: Masataka Kakoi (Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Japan), Stochastic method for L2 localization landscape
P12: Ikuzo Kanazawa (Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan), Electron-glass states and Many-valleys of RSB Phase of Al-based Quasicrystals
P13: Shin Kaneshiro (Kyoto University, Japan), Temperature dependence of the non-Hermitian skin effect associated with Kondo crossover
P14: Jonas F. Karcher (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Deutschland), Generalized multifractality: Pure-scaling observables
P15: Koji Kobayashi* (Kyushu University, Japan), Relation Between Anomalous Hall and Longitudinal Conductances in Disordered Weyl Metals
P16: Takaaki Koga* (Hokkaido University, Japan), Exact relation between the 2D random walk and weak localization/antilocalization
P17: Bhupesh Kumar (Bar-Ilan University, Israel), Selective Pumping of Localized States in a Disordered Active Medium
P18: Takumi Kuroda (Graduate School of Pure and Applied Science, Japan), Study of disordered flat-band states by machine learning
P19: Hui Liu* (IFW Dresden, Germany), Supermetal-insulator transition in a non-Hermitian network model
P20: Jie Liu (Xiangtan University, China), Interplay of disorder and flat band geometry for generalized Lieb models in 3D with correlated order
P21: Tomonari Mizoguchi (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Gap opening and emergent critical states in a random-phase molecular-orbital model
P22: Youcef Mohdeb (Jacobs University Bremen, Germany), Excited-Eigenstate Properties of XX Spin Chains with Random Long-Range Interactions
P23: Wasim R. Mondal (State University of New York, USA), A dynamical cluster approximation for studying vibrational excitations in mass-disordered systems with multiple branches
P24: Yusuke Nakai* (Kyoto University, Japan), The characterization of non-Hermitian skin effects in disordered systems by non-normality
P25: Daichi Nakamura* (Kyoto University, Japan), Bulk-boundary correspondence for point-gap topology
P26: Keiji Nakatsugawa* (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan), Time crystal by decoherence: Localization of macroscopic CDW wavefunction
P27: Tomi Ohtsuki* (Sophia University, Japan), Unsupervised machine learning the Anderson transitions
P28: Kyung-Yong Park (POSTECH, South Korea), Emergence of two types of Anderson insulators
P29: Paul Pöpperl (KIT, Germany), Memory effects in the density-wave imbalance in delocalized disordered systems
P30: Calvin Pozderac (Ohio State University, USA), Exact solution for the filling-induced thermalization transition in a 1D fracton system
P31: Chakradhar Rangi (Louisiana State University, USA), Local Density of states of the Harper-Hofstadter model with local random disorder
P32: Rudo Roemer (University of Warwick, UK), The GOE ensemble for quasiperiodic tilings without unfolding: r-value statistics
P33: Vincent Sacksteder (Rutgers University, South Korea), Experimental evidence that Cooperons can follow specific real-space trajectories, determined by impurities and other microscopic details, in individual samples
P34: Cheng Shang* (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Prototype controllable coupling theory of open quantum systems in symmetric optomechanics
P35: Helene Spring (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands), Can a doubled quantum Hall transition be protected from disorder?
P36: Filippo Stellin (École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, France), Localization landscape for interacting Bose gases in one-dimensional speckle potentials
P37: Matthias Stosiek (Sophia University, Germany), Multifractal correlations of the local density of states in dirty superconducting films
P38: Shinichi Sunami* (University of Oxford, UK), Probing 2D Bose Gases in Disordered Potential via Matter-Wave Interferometry
P39: Nyayabanta Swain (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Evidence of many-body localisation in two dimensions from quantum Monte Carlo simulation
P40: Sergey Syzranov* (University of California Santa Cruz, USA), Effect of quenched disorder on quantum spin liquids and geometrically frustrated magnets
P41: Hanna Terletska (Middle Tennessee State University, USA), The Real Space Cluster Extension of the Typical Medium Theory of Anderson Localization
P42: Yoshiki Ueoka (Japan), New theoretical approach to the Anderson transition based on Statistics of Random Walk
P43: Manami Yamagishi* (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Defining a Quantum Active Particle Using Non-Hermitian Quantum Walks
P44: Masanori Yamanaka* (Nihon University, Japan), Energy level statistics of molecules and application to molecular evolution
P45: Xinghai Zhang (Rice University, USA), Enhanced Amplitude for Superconductivity due to Spectrum-wide Wave Function Criticality in Quasiperiodic and Power-law Random Hopping Models
P46: Nilanjan Roy (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India), Single-particle excitations and Fock-space propagator across non-ergodic extended to ergodic state phase transition and many body localization proximity effect
P47: Zhenyu Xiao (Peking University, China) Level statistics of real eigenvalues in non-Hermitian systems
P48: Aswathy-Sundaresan (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram Kerala India) Droplet microfluidics assisted random lasing